Prayer Requests From Pastor Andy Kim, 8th StreetCommunity Church
April, 2013
Please, would you join in prayer every first Monday of themonth at 6pm to pray for the formation of the Hunting Park Career Prep H.S.(HPCP?) and the huge justice issue of education in our community? Please,pray for the future of Cayuga Elementary School and Edison High School.
Dear Elder Kang:
We are in the very beginning stagesof forming the school. Tonight we will meet with a small team to look atthe charter application and to come up with a mission statement and otherdetails. Hopefully, by next week, I can tell you more details. The needfor good education is tremendous in our neighborhood. With teenagers, themotivational factor to do well in school is simply not there. There isnot much reinforcement from the home nor community. I am hoping thatvocational/technical or career preparation can be a plus to move students totry harder and do better in school. We envision a strong after-school andsummer school support system where Christian volunteers will make thedifference.
Furthermore, we have a goodChristian network within our community and we hope that a school like this willhelp bring business leaders together, too. One Korean elder, ParkChongsoo, who has supported our ministry for a long time is very interested inthis school. We are praying for some outside funding as well, hopefullyfrom companies who would like to 'look good' in the eyes of the people... ( : In any case, the local community will meet to pray regularly every firstMonday of the month at 6pm. Please, pray for this venture.
We are truly grateful for yourprayers and financial support. Our church is struggling in many ways butthe Lord Jesus is enthroned above and he is merciful. Praise the Lord!